Type 2 Diabetes Annual Long Term Condition Review

Who do I see?

Phlebotomist & Practice Nurse


Our aim, for patients who have Type 2 Diabetes, is to proactively invite you for an annual review, around your birth month.

Prior to the review appointment with a Practice Nurse you will be asked to book a blood test with our Phlebotomist to ensure the results re available for the annual review.

After the annual review it may also be necessary to have a follow up appointment with a GP or ANP to review all medications.

The annual review provides an opportunity to take a look at all aspects of your diabetes, what is going well, what may not be going so well and to check for any early signs of other health concerns which may be related to it:

  • HbA1c (Blood test) – your average blood sugar levels for the past three months
  • Blood Pressure – people with Diabetes and High Blood pressure are more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke
  • Cholesterol Level (Blood test) – how much fat is in your blood
  • Kidney Function (Blood test) – how well your kidneys are working
  • Urine Albumin (urine sample sent to lab) – for signs of kidney disease.
  • Foot Check – Your feet will be examined and tested for changes in sensation or numbness. Please come with clean feet, you will be asked to remove any dressings and footwear, including socks and tights.
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) – Height and Weight
  • Smoking Status – people who have Diabetes and smoke double their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack, stroke or circulatory problems in the legs
  • Diabetic eye screening – we will check you have been referred to the screening team and are attending these important appointments. Diabetes can damage blood vessels and cause eye problems

Identifying any problems early can help prevent or lower your risk of serious health problems related to Type 2 diabetes. These include sight loss, toe or leg amputations, kidney disease, heart attack and stroke.

So it’s important to get all of your health checks

For further information on your condition, please visit – NHS UK