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Our Allied Health Professionals

Community Midwives

When you first suspect you are pregnant, make an appointment with the doctor who will explain when and how to see the midwife.The community midwives can be contacted directly on (01273) 664794.

Community Nurses

The Local Health Authority provides our district nurses. The district nursing team are able to help with many short and long term conditions. They provide nursing care to patients at home who need dressings or injections and also help with the care of chronically or terminally ill patients.The district nursing team can be contacted on (01273) 260175. However, please note patients cannot self-refer, a request for district nurses to visit must be made via a nurse or doctor.

Health Visitors

Health visitors are also provided by the Health Authority and are based at Hazel Cottage. They are trained nurses with additional experience and qualifications, and are available to help with all health matters for the under-fives.For details of clinic times or advice please ring (01273) 260185.

Attached Staff

Other staff visit to provide specialist services (e.g. Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service, Community Paediatrician, Diabetic Retinopathy Screening, Podiatrists) and these vary from time to time. Please make an appointment to discuss with your doctor if you feel you need referral to a specialist service.